Legal Notice

The site is published by the company JURIS INSIDE (hereinafter “JURIS INSIDE”) which is registered in the PARIS Trade and Companies Register (T.C.R. / R.C.S.) and registered in the National Business Register (N.B.R. / R.N.E.) under number eight-nine-one-one-six-three-one-five-six and registered in the Directory of Companies and Establishments (SIRENE) under the number SIRET eight-nine-one-one-six-three-one-five-six -zéro-zéro-zéro-deux-un, and whose head office is located at 115, Rue Saint-Dominique, in PARIS (75007) - FRANCE, – email: contact[a] (replace [ a] by @). Intra-community TVA (VAT) number: FR21891163156.
The Publication Director is Xavier Chayrigues.
The site is the property of the company JURIS INSIDE.
The JURIS INSIDE Company website ( was created by Xavier Chayrigues.
The graphic charter of the site was created by Xavier Chayrigues.
The site is hosted by OVH S.A.S., registered with the R.C.S. of LILLE under number SIREN 424 761 419 and whose head office is located at 2 Rue Kellermann in ROUBAIX (59100) FRANCE.

Terms of Service

These general conditions of use govern access, navigation, and use of the website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") by any natural person who is legally of legal age in capacity to contract (Hereinafter referred to as "the User".).
By accessing the site, the User acknowledges having read these Terms of Service and Privacy Notice and Data Protection, accepts them without reservation and undertakes to comply with them in their entirety.

Article 1 - Purpose of the Site

JURIS INSIDE offers the User the possibility of consulting all the necessary content and information about their commercial activity and services. The User can use the contact forms to contact JURIS INSIDE. All of the functionalities of the Site, which may evolve over time, are herein referred to as “the Service”.

Article 2 - Accessibility

JURIS INSIDE implements an obligation of means to ensure free, public, continuous and permanent accessibility for users of the Site available at the address However, part of the Site may only be accessible after identification of the User, and in particular for access reserved for JURIS INSIDE staff for Site administration purposes. The User acknowledges being informed that the reliability of electronic transmissions is uncertain due, in particular, to the heterogeneous nature of the infrastructures and networks on which they circulate and that, in particular, breakdowns or saturations may occur at any time. It is therefore specified that JURIS INSIDE cannot be held responsible in the event of unavailability of the site, partial or total, for any reason whatsoever and regardless of the duration.
The User undertakes to use the Site and the Service fairly and in compliance, in all circumstances, with the legal and regulatory provisions in force.

Article 3 - Intellectual property

The entire Site taken as a whole, as well as each of the elements which compose it, whether its technical, graphic, textual, ergonomic, navigation or other components, are the exclusive property of JURIS INSIDE or from third parties who have granted it a license. The content posted online by JURIS INSIDE also belongs to it. Use of the Site and the Service does not give the User any rights to any of the elements cited in this article. By accepting these Terms of Service, the User acknowledges the intellectual property rights of JURIS INSIDE and those of third parties and undertakes to respect them. The Service is provided using software, algorithms and databases designed and/or developed and/or used by JURIS INSIDE, which belong to JURIS INSIDE or over which JURIS INSIDE has usage rights. Any reproduction, imitation, use, total or partial, of the site or its elements which compose it without the prior written authorization of JURIS INSIDE is prohibited and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L.335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, without prejudice to any liability action on the basis of article 1240 of the Civil Code.

Article 4 - Use of the website

The User acknowledges having the skills and technical means necessary to access the Site, understand its content and use it under normal conditions. The User declares that they have Internet access subscribed to with the provider of their choice and the cost of which is their exclusive responsibility. All hardware and software necessary for access to the website and use of the Service, as well as their acquisition, rental and operating costs, remain exclusively and definitively the responsibility of the User. Likewise, the costs of power, telecommunications, access to the internet network, induced by their use remain the exclusive and final responsibility of the User. It is up to the User to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by possible viruses. As such, the User acknowledges that the computer equipment used for consulting and using the website does not contain any virus or logical infection likely to compromise the security of the Site www.juris-transmission. com and the integrity of the hosting server, the software used for its operation, as well as the data made available to users. The User undertakes not to adopt behavior likely to compromise the stability of the Site or the hosting server and more generally, any action contrary to normal use of the website and the Services available there. address The User is solely responsible for the use he makes of the Service and the Site and the use of the information and data it contains. Any contrary use of the site by the User is likely to result in immediate suspension of access to the Site without prejudice to any liability action against him within the meaning of article 1240 of the Civil Code.
In addition, the User guarantees to JURIS INSIDE the sincerity of all the data and information concerning him which he communicates to JURIS INSIDE during the various exchanges, interviews by videoconference or via the forms on the Site.

Article 5 - Conditions of access and use of the Service


The User can contact JURIS INSIDE using the contact form permanently accessible from the home page, section “Contact us” or at the bottom of the page, on all other pages of the Site.

License to use the Site:

JURIS INSIDE grants to the User who has accepted these General Conditions of Use, a non-exclusive, personal and non-transferable license authorizing him to use the Site and the Service, as well as the data they contain, for his own use strictly personal, in accordance with the Terms of service and for the sole purpose stipulated herein (hereinafter referred to as “the License”). The user therefore acknowledges that any other use of the Site or the Service is excluded from the scope of this License and can only be carried out after having obtained prior written authorization from JURIS INSIDE.

Article 6 - Assignment of the contractual agreement resulting from the Terms of service

These Terms of service constitute a contractual agreement between the User and JURIS INSIDE. The User declares to be informed of the possibility for JURIS INSIDE to assign, contribute or transfer all or part of this contractual agreement to a third party, located in France or within the European Union, particularly in the case of transfer to this third party from the operation of the Site and the Service. The User declares that they already accept this option for JURIS INSIDE without limitation or reservation, regardless of the identity of the third party beneficiary.

Article 7 - Personal data collected

The site's Privacy Notice and Data Protection can be consulted here.

Article 8 - Cookies

The site's Cookie Notice can be consulted here.

Article 9 - Hypertext links

JURIS INSIDE reserves the right to delete at any time and without notice, the links offered by its website to a third party site. JURIS INSIDE cannot be held responsible for the content of third-party sites cited in the Site, to which hypertext links present on the Site or accessible via the Service refer. JURIS INSIDE cannot be responsible for the links to other sites present on the sites whose links it publishes on its site and their content. Users of the site are not authorized to establish a deep link to this site without the prior written authorization of JURIS INSIDE.

Article 10 - Duration, deletion and termination


These Terms of service apply for an indefinite period from acceptance of the Terms of service by the User manifested by their access to the website.


JURIS INSIDE may at any time terminate its contractual agreement with the User and resulting from these Terms of service, automatically and without prior notice, in the event of serious or repeated violation of the User's obligations relating to compliance of the legislation in force, regardless of any damages to which JURIS INSIDE may be entitled. If the User provides false, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete data, JURIS INSIDE is entitled to suspend or terminate this contractual agreement. In the event of non-compliance with the Terms of service and after a period of eight (8) calendar days from notification by JURIS INSIDE of the observed breach, the User has not terminated this breach or the latter has not been repaired, JURIS INSIDE may terminate this contractual agreement immediately and automatically, regardless of any damages to which JURIS INSIDE may be entitled.

Article 11 - Liability and force majeure

Access to and use of the Site is at the User’s own risk. Furthermore, the User is reminded that he is solely responsible for the information that he could communicate from the Site directly or indirectly or that he could communicate to the Site or to JURIS INSIDE directly or indirectly. It is also recalled here that in the event of abnormal use or illegal exploitation of the Site, the User is solely responsible for damage caused to third parties and the consequences of claims or actions that could result therefrom. Finally, the User unreservedly waives the right to exercise any recourse against JURIS INSIDE in the event of proceedings brought by a third party against him due to the illicit use and/or exploitation of the Site.
The User remains solely responsible for the inaccuracy, imprecision, and concealment of any information necessary for the transaction and/or information process.
JURIS INSIDE cannot be held responsible to the User for any delay or failure in the total or partial performance of its obligations, if such failure results from any force majeure event.

Article 12 - Interpretation, validity, notification

These Terms of service express the entire agreement between the User and JURIS INSIDE. In the event that any of the provisions herein are declared illegal, void or inapplicable by a jurisdiction or authority of any kind, the validity of the other provisions of the Terms of service, cannot be affected. Any notification required within the framework of these presents and in particular for the execution or termination of these presents, will be made by registered post or by e-mail to the address indicated by the User, if JURIS INSIDE has knowledge of the latter .

Article 13 - Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

This Site, as well as the conclusion, validity, interpretation, execution, termination of these Terms of service, are governed by French positive law. Any dispute relating to the conclusion, validity, interpretation, termination of these Terms of service and their possible consequences, or relating to the use of the Site, will be under the sole jurisdiction of the courts located within the jurisdiction. of the Judicial Court of MONTPELLIER (FRANCE), including in the event of a warranty claim or multiple defendants as well as for any type of procedure, whether on the merits, in summary proceedings or on request.
In the event of difficulty interpreting this English version or dispute, only the French version available here will be authentic.

Article 14 - Media credits

Photography credit : All photographs published on the site are the property of JURIS INSIDE. The latter is the holder of a perpetual non-exclusive worldwide license granted by ©Adobe Stock("paris le matin" by ©Tilio & Paolo, "La Defence, Paris business district at dusk" by ©kasto, "The Vendome column , the Place Vendome at night, Paris, France" by ©kovalenkovpetr, "French Opera in Paris, France. Scenic skyline against sunset sky. Travel background" by ©Funny Studio, "Paris, France. Arch of Triumph early morning" by©SCStock, "Legal advice technology service concept with business hand working with modern Ui computer" by ©greenbutterfly, "Legal advice technology service concept with business hand working with modern Ui computer" by ©greenbutterfly, "人材イメージ" by ©metamorworks) for its benefit on these (for the support images on which the logo and texts of the JURIS INSIDE Company are affixed). Any reproduction, imitation, use, total or partial, of these photographs, without the prior written authorization of JURIS INSIDE, is strictly prohibited.
Video credit: The video published on the site is the property of JURIS INSIDE. This company holds a non-exclusive license granted by ©Adobe Stock for its benefit for the background video ("Aerial view of Paris, France", by ©Espiegle) and for the soundtrack of 'accompaniment ("For Business Presentation", by ©Art Media/Jamendo). Any reproduction, imitation, use, total or partial, of this video, without the prior written authorization of JURIS INSIDE, is strictly prohibited.
Logo credit: The JURIS INSIDE Company logo published on the site is the exclusive property of JURIS INSIDE. Any reproduction, imitation, use, total or partial, of this logo, without the prior written authorization of JURIS INSIDE, is strictly prohibited.

Version of this Legal Notice and this Terms of service

This Legal notice and this Terms of service are current as of April 16, 2024, and the user is informed that this Legal notice and this Terms of service may be modified at any time, by compagny JURIS INSIDE. The User is therefore invited to regularly consult the latest updated version of the Legal notice and of the Terms of service, accessible to all and permanently accessible on all pages of the website, by clicking on the hypertext link “Legal Notice”, from the home page, “Contact us” section or at the bottom of the page on all other pages of the website. The User's attention is drawn to the fact that a change in legislation or regulations may impose a change with retroactive effect to the provisions provided for in this Legal notice and this Terms of service.