Privacy Notice and Data Protection

This present Privacy Notice and Data Protection is addressed to each user of the website and more generally to any client, prospect of the Company JURIS INSIDE.
The site publishes information from the company JURIS INSIDE. The editorial, graphic and technical monitoring of the site is ensured on a daily basis by the Company JURIS INSIDE.
Website hosting is provided by the Company OVH, registered with the R.C.S. of LILLE (FRANCE) under number SIREN 424 761 419 and whose head office is located at 2 Rue Kellermann in ROUBAIX (59100) FRANCE.

Your personal data is collected and processed on the website, by the Company JURIS INSIDE, whose head office is located at 115, Rue Saint-Dominique in PARIS (75007) - FRANCE.

JURIS INSIDE complies with the provisions of law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the council of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), users (hereinafter referred to as “You”) whose personal data are collected or are subject to collection, benefit from rights relating to the protection of their personal data.
In its capacity as data controller, the Company JURIS INSIDE undertakes to ensure respect for your private life and to protect the personal data processed :

  • In a lawful, loyal and transparent manner with regard to the person concerned;
  • Collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes;
  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Processed in such a way as to ensure appropriate security of personal data.


1. Personal data

Article 4.1 du GDPR : ‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

The Company JURIS INSIDE, data controller, informs the user that personal data constitutes any information relating to a natural person identified or who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number or to one or more several elements that are specific to it. To determine whether a person is identifiable, it is appropriate to consider all the means to enable their identification available to or to which the data controller or any other person may have access.

2. Processing of personal data

The Company JURIS INSIDE, data controller, informs the user that any operation or set of operations relating to such data constitutes processing of personal data, whatever the process used, and in particular the collection, recording, organization, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, reconciliation or interconnection, as well as such as locking, erasure or destruction.

3. Personal data file

The Company JURIS INSIDE, data controller, informs the user that a personal data file constitutes any structured and stable set of personal data accessible according to determined criteria.

4. Rights of data subjects

Chapter 3 of GDPR  : Rights of the data subject :
-Right of access by the data subject ;
-Right to rectification ;
-Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) ;
-Right to restriction of processing ;
-Notification obligation regarding rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing ;
-Right to data portability ;
-Right to object.

The Company JURIS INSIDE, data controller, informs the user that the person concerned by the processing of personal data is the one to whom the data subject to processing relate.

5. Regulations on the Protection of Personal Data

The protection of personal data includes law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to the data processing, files and freedoms, modified and any new law, ordinance, decree taken for its application, as well as the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), reference for the protection of personal data, entered into force on May 25, 2018 .

6. Controller

Article 4.7 du GDPR : ‘controller’ means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determine the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law.

The JURIS INSIDE Company informs the User that the identity of the data controller is Mr. Xavier Chayrigues, President of the JURIS INSIDE Company, who can be contacted :

  • S.A.S. JURIS INSIDE - 115, Rue Saint-Dominique - 75007 PARIS - FRANCE.
  • or by email: contact[a] (replace [a] with @).
  • or by the contact form on this website.

Confidentiality and privacy policy

In accordance with the Regulations on the protection of personal data, the processing described in this Confidentiality and Privacy Policy is supported by a specific legal basis.

This Policy Notice informs you about the conditions under which the Company JURIS INSIDE collects, processes, stores, archives and deletes your personal data. It also informs you about the rights you have over your data.

1. What personal data does the JURIS INSIDE Company process and collect?

  • Cookies: As part of your browsing on the site, cookies are automatically placed on your computer, mobile or tablet.
    A cookie is a text file placed on your computer when you visit a site or view an advertisement.
    Find out more about our cookie policy (type, duration, opposition methods)

  • The contact form: The JURIS INSIDE Company collects personal data about you when you voluntarily choose to transmit such data via the form contact details accessible online at The personal information that you have chosen to indicate in your message (last name, first name, telephone number, email address, etc.) is kept in a database and accessible to JURIS INSIDE Company personnel in charge of processing responses.

  • Commercial prospecting operation: The JURIS INSIDE Company collects personal data about you on freely and publicly accessible websites, to carry out commercial prospecting operations. The personal data collected are kept in a database and accessible to JURIS INSIDE Company personnel in charge of commercial prospecting operations.

  • Customer File: The JURIS INSIDE Company collects personal data about you when you sign a contract with it. The collection of data is carried out on the information indicated on the signed contract to carry out customer follow-up and monitoring of the execution of the mission. The personal data collected are kept in a database and accessible to JURIS INSIDE Company personnel in charge of customer follow-up and execution of the mission.

  • Customer Knowledge File: The JURIS INSIDE Company collects personal data about you when you sign a contract with it. The collection of data is carried out on the information indicated on the signed contract, as well as on freely and publicly accessible websites, all to carry out particularly targeted commercial prospecting operations. The personal data collected are kept in a database and accessible to JURIS INSIDE Company personnel in charge of commercial prospecting operations.

  • Opposition List File: The JURIS INSIDE Company collects personal data about you when you request removal from our prospecting lists. The personal data collected are kept in a database and accessible to JURIS INSIDE Company personnel in charge of commercial prospecting operations.

  • Exercise of rights: Identification data (surname, first name, email, telephone number, company, position, if applicable copy of identity card), are necessary for the purposes proof of the exercise of a right of access, rectification or opposition or to meet a legal obligation).

2. What are the purposes and grounds for collecting your personal data?


The purpose of the cookies placed is to facilitate user navigation on the website.

Contact form

The use of the contact form is intended to allow any user to contact the JURIS INSIDE Company, regarding a particular question that may interest them.

The Company JURIS INSIDE declares to the User of the website that the information collected directly from the User, with his consent, via the Contact Form of this website, namely his e-mail address, his telephone number and his message, are necessary for the processing and management of relations between the JURIS INSIDE Company and the User. The purpose of this form is to allow the Company JURIS INSIDE and its team to process the question or request in order to provide an answer to the User.

The JURIS INSIDE Company undertakes to ensure that the personal data collected or processed by it are :

  • collected and processed in a fair and lawful manner, for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and are not subsequently processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes ;
  • adequate, relevant and not excessive with regard to the purposes for which they are collected and their subsequent processing ;
  • accurate, complete and, where necessary, updated ; the person concerned is invited to report any useful corrections or deletions, the Company JURIS INSIDE undertaking for its part to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to ensure that the data is inaccurate or incomplete with regard to the purposes for which they are collected or processed are erased or rectified ;
  • kept in a form allowing the identification of the persons concerned for a period which does not exceed the duration necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed.

It is stipulated that :

  • responses that must be provided are marked with an asterisk ;
  • in the event of failure to respond to mandatory information, the user is informed that their request may not be processed, or the response may be delayed in its processing ;
  • only the JURIS INSIDE Company is the recipient of the data.

In accordance with article 6-II of the law of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the digital economy, data likely to allow your identification may be communicated to the judicial authority when required.

Prospecting mailing operations

As part of prospecting operations aimed at Lawyers, the Company JURIS INSIDE will collect data on freely and publicly accessible websites allowing it to prospect/search for Lawyers who would be potential sellers of their firm or clientele, but also, prospect/search for Lawyers who would be potential buyers of clients or firms.

The Company JURIS INSIDE offers connection services in the context of transfers/mergers/acquisitions of Law firms, these commercial prospecting operations, based on legitimate interest, aim to enable the information of Lawyers likely to appreciate this information which would allow them, possibly, to realize a professional project of sale or acquisition of a firm.

Commercial prospecting operations can take place either for a client who has mandated the JURIS INSIDE Company to find a firm, or for a client who has mandated the JURIS INSIDE Company for the sale of its firm, or for a client or several clients (undetermined) who have mandated the Company JURIS INSIDE for the sale of their firm (for example, several sellers from the same region, and/or several sellers with the same areas of expertise ,…), or for a client or several clients (undetermined) who have mandated the Company JURIS INSIDE to search for a firm (for example, several potential buyers looking in the same region, and /or several potential buyers with the same areas of expertise, etc.).

The data collected, namely the e-mail address of the Lawyer, his last name, his first name, his date of registration with the Bar, his Bar of membership and if the information is available, his areas of expertise, his certificates of specialization, are necessary for relevant processing of prospecting, by making it possible to limit contacts to Lawyers who meet a minimum of criteria of the clients of the Company JURIS INSIDE (criteria of the search mandate or the sales mandate ) and in particular, to limit prospecting to Lawyers with total or partial similarity in terms of field of expertise, and/or located in a similar or close geographical area, and/or having seniority likely to presuppose them, according to the need for prospecting, potential seller or potential buyer of a firm.

Furthermore, the data collected is mandatory to be able to usefully contact prospects. The removal of a single piece of data reduces the relevance of prospecting and would lead to an increase in the number of prospects to contact. The data collected by the Company JURIS INSIDE is thus limited to data which allows effective prospecting and limited in the number of prospects to contact.

It is further specified that the source(s) used for data collection are indicated in the first prospecting email. In any case, the data collected comes from sources freely accessible to the public.

Finally, only the Company JURIS INSIDE is the recipient of the data collected, collects the data, processes the data and deletes the data.

In accordance with article 6-II of the law of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the digital economy, data likely to allow your identification may be communicated to the judicial authority when required.

Customers file

For prospecting operations intended for Lawyers, the Company JURIS INSIDE is required to collect data from the contracts signed with its clients, enabling it to contact clients as part of client follow-up or as part of the execution of the mission entrusted by the customer.

For the provision of its service to Lawyers (connection service), the Company JURIS INSIDE will be required to collect data from the contract signed with the client, allowing the client to be contacted by all useful and available means and thus monitor the file and carry out its mission.

The Company JURIS INSIDE offers connection services in the context of transfers/mergers/acquisitions of law firms, customer monitoring operations, based on legitimate interest, aim to enable clients to be informed, both for the follow-up of the file, the execution of the connection mission, as well as to transmit the data and information relating to the firm/target of their research. Part of this information based on legitimate interest (first name/surname, mobile phone number and email address), is also intended to enable the contractualization process to be carried out, in particular for the implementation of the electronic signature of contracts between the client and the JURIS INSIDE Company and the resulting identity verification.

The data collected, namely the type of contract signed, the contract number, the date of signature, their first and last name, the name of their practice structure if applicable, their email address, their mobile phone, their postal address, are necessary for relevant treatment of the customer relationship, from signing the contract until the end of the contract, by making it possible to contact customers using exact and possibly confidential contact details.

Furthermore, the data collected is mandatory in order to be able to usefully contact customers. The withdrawal of a single piece of data reducing the possibilities of contact or the possibilities of means of transmission, it would induce a risk of alteration of the confidentiality of exchanges between the Company JURIS INSIDE and its clients. Furthermore, the removal of one or more specific data (last name/first name, mobile phone number and email address) could reduce the reliability of identity verification during the contracting process by electronic signature.

The data collected by the JURIS INSIDE Company is therefore limited to data which allows effective and confidential exchanges with customers.

Only the Company JURIS INSIDE is the recipient of the data collected, collects the data, processes the data and deletes the data.

In accordance with article 6-II of the law of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the digital economy, data likely to allow your identification may be communicated to the judicial authority when required.

Customer Knowledge File

For prospecting operations aimed at Lawyers, the Company JURIS INSIDE is required to collect data from contracts signed with its clients as well as from freely and publicly accessible websites allowing it to prospect/search for Lawyers who would be potential buyers.

The Company JURIS INSIDE offers connection services in the context of transfers/mergers/acquisitions of Law firms, commercial prospecting operations, based on legitimate interest, aim to enable the information of Lawyers likely to appreciate this information which would allow them, possibly, to realize a professional project of acquiring a firm.

Commercial prospecting operations can be carried out for a client who has mandated the JURIS INSIDE Company to find a firm, or several clients (undetermined) who have mandated the JURIS INSIDE Company for the sale of their firm, (for example, several sellers from the same region, and/or several sellers with the same areas of expertise, etc.).

The data collected, namely the type of contract signed, the contract number, the date of signature, the Bar of membership, the client's first and last name, the name of its practice structure if applicable, the year of his oath, his email address, his mobile phone, his postal address, his specialty(ies) if applicable, his areas of expertise published on the website of the Bar to which he belongs, the foreign language practiced, the areas of activity for which the client has expressed interest, the contract number of the firm for which the client has expressed interest if applicable, the type of transaction envisaged by the client, are necessary for relevant processing of prospecting, by making it possible to limit contact to Lawyers who, on the one hand, have already taken the step of contracting with the Company JURIS INSIDE in order to acquire a firm and who therefore have a keen interest in the process of selling a practice (and for some, having already acquired a practice through the connection carried out by the Company JURIS INSIDE), and on the other hand, meet a minimum of criteria of the selling customers of the Company JURIS INSIDE (criteria of the sales mandate). This makes it possible to limit prospecting to Lawyers with total or partial similarity in terms of field of expertise, and/or located in a similar or close geographical area, and/or having seniority likely to presuppose them, depending on the need to prospecting, potential buyer of a firm.

Furthermore, the data collected is mandatory in order to be able to usefully contact customers. The removal of a single piece of data reduces the relevance of prospecting and would lead to an increase in the number of customers to contact. The data collected by the Company JURIS INSIDE is thus limited to data which allows effective prospecting and limited in the number of prospects to contact.

Only the Company JURIS INSIDE is the recipient of the data collected, collects the data, processes the data and deletes the data.

In accordance with article 6-II of the law of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the digital economy, data likely to allow your identification may be communicated to the judicial authority when required.

Exercise of rights

The purpose of this processing is to respond to the request of any data subject regarding the availability of these personal data, their processing in accordance with this policy. This is about meeting a legal obligation.

Opposition List File

In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties of France), the company JURIS INSIDE has established a file whose purpose is to make effective the right to oppose canvassing and thus avoid adding, inadvertently, people who have already opposed prospecting on our part to a list of person to approach.

This data collection is based on the legitimate interest of individuals in no longer being contacted. This data will not be used for any purpose other than the management of the right of opposition and only the necessary data is collected and stored.

The data collected is the Bar of membership as well as the first and last name of the person opposed to canvassing on our part. This data is mandatory in order to make the right of opposition effective over time. No further data is saved.

The JURIS INSIDE Company is the sole recipient of the data collected, collects the data, processes the data and deletes the data.

In accordance with article 6-II of the law of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the digital economy, data likely to allow your identification may be communicated to the judicial authority when required.

3. Who are the users of personal data processed by the JURIS INSIDE Company?

The one and only user of the personal data that you may be required to transmit is the Data Controller : the Company JURIS INSIDE.

4. What security measures are implemented by the JURIS INSIDE Company?

The Company JURIS INSIDE undertakes to implement all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the processing of personal data and the confidentiality of your data, in application of the Computer and Liberties Act and European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

As such, the JURIS INSIDE Company takes all necessary security measures, taking into account the nature of your data and the risks presented by this processing, to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of the data. This consists in particular of preventing them from being distorted, damaged, or from unauthorized third parties having access to them.

The JURIS INSIDE Company :

  • does not share the data collected with any commercial partners, subcontractors, suppliers or other third parties ;
  • does not transfer the data collected outside the European Union.

5. What are the retention periods for your personal data ?

Cookies Find out more about our cookie policy (type, duration, terms opposition).
Contact form This data is kept for 1 year from the last contact with the User.
Commercial prospecting operations These data are kept for 6 months from the end of the mandate for which the prospecting operation was carried out, or in the event plurality of mandates attached to the same prospecting operation, the data is kept for 6 months from the expiry of the last of the mandates which was the subject of a grouped prospecting.
Customer File This data is kept for the entire duration of the contract or mandate and for 6 months following its expiration.
Customer Knowledge File This data is kept for 5 years from the signing of the contract or mandate by the Client.
Exercise of rights This data is kept for the calendar year of the request, plus 2 years.
Opposition List File These data are kept for the entire duration of the exercise of the legal profession of the natural person concerned, then for 3 years from the resignation, omission, removal from an ordinal table of the natural person concerned.

Rights of data subjects

1. What rights do you have?

The regulations on the protection of personal data recognize that people whose data is collected have the possibility of exercising certain rights :

  • A right of access: You have the right to obtain confirmation that your personal data are or are not processed and, when they are, to obtain the access to said data as well as a certain amount of additional information.
  • A right to rectification: You can request that the data concerning you be modified or supplemented if it is inaccurate.
  • A right to deletion: You can obtain from the Company JURIS INSIDE, for certain reasons, that it deletes the personal data which concerns you.
  • A right to object: You can object at any time for reasons relating to a particular situation to the processing of your personal data by the JURIS INSIDE Company.
  • A right to portability: You can retrieve the data that you have provided to the JURIS INSIDE Company, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

Particularly in the context of commercial prospecting operations, prospects:

  • can ask the JURIS INSIDE Company at any time and free of charge to no longer contact them, by simply sending an email to the address contact[a] (replace [a] with @) simply indicating that they ask to be removed from the prospecting list. If the prospect makes this request, the JURIS INSIDE Company will delete all the data collected concerning him upon receipt of his email.
  • are informed, due to indirect data collection, from the first contact (first prospecting email), of the details of the information which must be brought to their attention using a hypertext link which points to this page relating to the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy of the Company JURIS INSIDE.
  • that they are informed from the first contact (first prospecting email), in a notice located at the bottom of the email, of the identity of the data controller, the purposes of the processing and their right (in particular withdrawal of the list and delete data).

You can usefully consult, for your complete information:

  • all the provisions of the Law relating to data processing, files and freedoms by clicking here ;
  • all the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by clicking here.

You can also consult the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties of France) website for any additional information on the GDPR and the protection of personal data. The CNIL also has national jurisdiction to handle complaints relating to personal data.

2. How to exercise your rights?

To exercise these rights or for any questions about the processing of your data in this system, you can contact us:

  • Postal address : S.A.S. JURIS INSIDE, 115 Rue Saint-Dominique 75007 PARIS - FRANCE
  • Email : contact[a] (remplacer [a] par @).

The person whose data has been processed, proving their identity, has the right to question the Company JURIS INSIDE at the e-mail address indicated below, in order to obtain :

  • Confirmation that personal data concerning them are or are not subject to this processing ;
  • Information relating to the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data processed and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data are communicated ;
  • Where applicable, information relating to planned transfers of personal data to a non-member State of the European Community ;
  • Communication, in an accessible form, of personal data concerning them as well as any available information regarding their origin ;
  • Information allowing you to know and challenge the logic underlying automated processing in the event of a decision taken on the basis of it and producing legal effects with regard to of the interested party.

The JURIS INSIDE Company may object to requests that are manifestly abusive, particularly due to their number, repetitive or systematic nature.

Any natural person proving their identity may request from the JURIS INSIDE Company that, depending on the case, they be rectified, supplemented, updated, locked or erased, personal data concerning them which are inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal or out of date.

To exercise their rights, the person must send a written request to the Company JURIS INSIDE, accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document including their signature, to the following email address: contact[a]juris-inside. com (replace [a] with @).

The rights granted under the provisions of the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms expire upon the death of their holder. However, any person can define guidelines relating to the conservation, erasure and communication of their personal data after their death. These guidelines are general or specific. The general directives concern all personal data relating to the person concerned and may be recorded with a trusted digital third party certified by the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL). In the absence of directives or contrary mention in said directives, the heirs of the person concerned may exercise after their death the rights mentioned in this section to the extent necessary :

  • the organization and settlement of the deceased's estate. As such, heirs can access the processing of personal data which concerns them in order to identify and obtain communication of information useful for the liquidation and sharing of the estate. They can also receive communication of digital assets or data resembling family memories, transferable to heirs ;
  • the taking into account, by the data controllers, of his death. As such, the heirs can have the deceased's user accounts closed, object to the continued processing of personal data concerning him or her or have them updated.

Personal data and cookies

The Company JURIS INSIDE undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of your data complies with the IT Law and Freedoms of January 6, 1978 as well as the Regulation (EU ) 2016/679 with regard to the processing of personal data.
When viewing our site, cookies are placed on your computer, mobile or tablet. We only use cookies that are strictly necessary to enable the site to function and facilitate navigation during your session. Below you can find out about the nature of each cookie placed, accept or refuse them. We use Cookieconsent to manage cookies.

Defining a cookie

A cookie is a text file placed on your computer when you visit a site or view an advertisement. It allows user data to be stored in order to facilitate navigation and enable certain functionalities. Cookies are managed by your internet browser. Session cookies disappear when the user leaves the site while permanent cookies remain on the user's terminal until the user deletes them or, where applicable, until the end of their duration life.

Only one type of cookie is placed on the site

1. Internal cookies strictly necessary for the site to function

These cookies allow the site to function optimally and facilitate navigation. You can object and delete them using your browser settings, however your user experience may be degraded or impossible.

Cookie name Purpose The duration of the conversation
PHPSESSID Allows you to establish communication between the web server and the browser, and temporarily stores information about your session. Session
cookieconsent_status Allows you to save your choice regarding cookie consent. 12 months

Means of opposition to the deposit of cookies

You can choose to deactivate all cookies at any time, even those necessary for the operation of this site. However, your user experience may be degraded.
Here is the procedure to block any creation of cookies from your browser options :

For any questions relating to this information on personal data and cookies, you can write to us via our contact form.

Version of this Privacy Notice and Data Protection

This Privacy notice and Data Protection is current as of April 16, 2024, and the user is informed that this Privacy notice and Data Protection may be modified at any time, by compagny JURIS INSIDE. The User is therefore invited to regularly consult the latest updated version of the Privacy notice and Data Protection, accessible to all and permanently accessible on all pages of the website, by clicking on the hypertext link “Privacy Notice and data protection”, from the home page, “Contact us” section or at the bottom of the page on all other pages of the website. The User's attention is drawn to the fact that a change in legislation or regulations may impose a change with retroactive effect to the provisions provided for in this Privacy notice and Data Protection.