Who are we ?

Former business law professionals, we had the privilege, on a personal basis, of looking for a law firm corresponding to our expectations, of acquiring it and, subsequently, of selling our holdings and supporting our successors.

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Therefore, we can affirm that the sale of a law firm is in no way comparable to that of a traditional business. The strong intuitu personae character linking the lawyer to his clients and his collaborators induces great specificities.

Responsive and professional, we want to support you as best as possible in complete confidentiality in your sale or acquisition process.
Based in Paris, we operate throughout France (mainland and overseas) to best support you in your project.

Our structure

Founded in 2020, the JURIS INSIDE Company aims to connect legal professionals in their professional projects.

We want to preserve our independence and our freedom, guaranteeing the confidentiality of our files. As such, here are some details about our structure and our way of working:

  • No ownership of the share capital by legal or natural persons other than the two founding partners.
  • The management of the Company is carried out exclusively by the two founding partners.
  • No communication of the identity of our clients, information concerning them and their project to external service providers (unless expressly instructed by our clients).
  • No agreement for subcontracting of our missions by a person outside our Company.
  • No link, agreement, or partnership with transactional agents, intermediaries, business agents, real estate agents, consulting or financial firms.
  • No link with any professional ordinal structure, professional association or professional union.

The founding partners of JURIS INSIDE

Vanessa and Xavier hold the entire share capital of the Family Company JURIS INSIDE and are responsible for its management.

The environmental footprint of our activity

As part of the conclusion of our contractual agreements (mandates, confidentiality commitments, etc.) but also in all of our exchanges and the communication of presentation files, we wish to reduce the carbon footprint of our activity. We therefore offer our customers completely paperless exchanges, as well as the use of a simple and secure electronic signature. By reducing our travel and the use of paper used for our activity, we aim to reduce our impact on the environment and thus contribute to its preservation.